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A vibrant collection of videos that capture the essence of this unique race in one of the world's most picturesque locations. Immerse yourself in exciting videos made by a diverse community of athletes and enthusiasts. From elite runners challenging their limits to amateurs discovering the beauty of the trails, each video is a window into unique experiences. Get to know the stories behind the runners and the local community. Interviews and testimonies bring to life the motivations, challenges, and triumphs of those who make the Azores Trail Run an unforgettable experience.

Ultra run in the Azores, Faial Island. The 118km Whalers Great Route. Followed by a road trip from Lisbon to Porto

Ten Volcanoes Trail 2023, by Ultra Blue Island Azores Trail Run. 25k trail on the Island of Faial on a foggy and windy day. Visit Faial and discover the nature and the forces of nature of the Azores. Not only for trail runners. Curious, check out and for more information on the Faial, accommodation in Faial, tours in Faial, news from Faial and more. Visit Faial, the best destination of the Azores!

Azores Trail Run 65K | Ултра Тркач Србија

We don't run fast - we want to reach far.. Our imperative is not an individual's victory - but a better community.. We do not want to overtake you - but to surpass ourselves.. Our results do not point out that we are better - but that you can do it as well.

Whalers' Great Route Ultra-Trail in the Azores (25K)

Join me as I travel travel to the Azores, Portugal, on the island of Faial, to race in the Whalers' Great Route Ultra-Trail by Azores Trail Run which was established in 2014. I spoke with the race director Mário Leal post running the 25K race. We discussed the race, the experience of running in the Azores. It is a place where the runners run across incredible volcanic craters that formed the island. Plus we dive deeper into the history of the place and the historical passages of the ancient whalers that tell the story of this land and its people. This YouTube video accompanies the full podcast conversation (Episode 129 of A Runner’s Life Podcast) with Mário, this provides an extra layer of depth alongside this conversation. Click the following link to listen to it.

Ultra trail de las Azores (Faial) - POV Trail Running 2 cámaras

Y así es como una semana después de hacerme un esguince... salgo a correr tranquilamente y me encuentro (no sabía que era ahora!) el Ultra Trail de las Azores !! Hahaha !! en mi lugar preferido de la isla para correr.. la Caldera del volcán !! Mi volcancito !! Hay varias cosas a destacar en este vídeo ; una de ellas es lo inmensa (2km de diámetro con 400m de profundidad) que es la caldera del volcán de Faial. Nunca había visto un cráter de volcán tan grande. Y tan verde. Tan bello. Fijaros a lo largo del vídeo cómo cambian los colores, las sombras.. es algo precioso.

Golden Trail Azores - Tove Alexandersson descent (and fall!)

Tove Alexandersson Epic descent (and fall! 🙈) at the Golden trail world final Azores islands Stage 3 That was fun to capture 😜 with an half broken stabilizer 🤦🤷🤣 #descent #fullsent #trailrunning #trail #goldentrailseries #running #azores

Açores 2018 : Ultra Trail des Baleiniers (120km-5300D+)

Mai 2018 : Zinzin Reporter enchaîne les défis. 1 mois et 1/2 après le Marathon des Sables au Maroc, 2 semaines après l'Xterra trail de Tahiti, le journaliste va vivre de l'intérieur l'ultra trail de la Grande Route des Baleiniers aux Azores, Whalers' great route ultra trail. Cette épreuve de 120 km pour 5300 D+ se déroule sur l'île volcanique de Faial, au milieu de l'Atlantique. Panoramas sublimes et totalement inconnus du grand public, parcours à la fois roulant et technique, cette destination est à cocher absolument par tous les amateurs de trail. Voici de quoi vous donner envie avec cette vidéo tournée de l'intérieur

Azores Trail Run 2018 - Ultra Blue Island Trail 65 km - Trailrunning Azoren

Azores Trail Run 2018 - Trailrunning pur auf den Azoren beim Ultra Blue Island Trail. 65 km und 3.200 positive Höhenmeter auf der Azoreninsel Faial - über Vulkane, am Meer entlang, über kniehohe Treppenstufen, durch dichte Wälder und grüne Wiesen. Ein Wahnsinns-Trailerlebnis auf einer Insel mitten im Atlantik, die ein echtes Trailrunning Paradies ist... Jedes Jahr Ende Mai - meine absolute Empfehlung! Meinen Bericht findest Du hier: ►

Azores Trail Run: Aventura em grande nas ilhas mágicas

A "Grande Rota dos Baleeiros" é a mais importante deste conjunto de provas, que aliam desporto de aventura a paisagens de cortar a respiração.… LEIA MAIS : euronews: o canal de notícias mais visto na Europa Subscreva!

Golden Trail Salomon - Stage 1 Azores

Stage 1 of the the Golden Trail World Series by Salomon on the Azores trail run course. 4 stages with one of the strongest trail field ever assembled!!

Golden Trail Salomon - Stage 2 Azores (CRAZY WIND!)

Stage 2 of the the Golden Trail World Series by Salomon on the Azores Trail Run course.

Golden Trail Salomon - Stage 3 Azores

Stage 3 of the the Golden Trail World Series by Salomon on the Azores trail run course.

Golden Trail Salomon - Final Stage Azores

Stage 4 of the the Golden Trail World Series by Salomon on the Azores trail run course

On | Run beyond Anguish (Azores Islands)

What does it mean to run beyond? In episode 3 of our docu-series, your guide is Marcus Brown, who takes us to the 2022 Whaler’s Race in Faial, Azores Instagram: @on_running Facebook: @onrunning Twitter: @on_running

Golden Trail Salomon - Stage 3 Azores

Jim Wamsley 4th place at the prologue (3,5km) of the Golden Trail Championship in Azores Trail run 2020

Theo Detienne Start of the Golden Trail Championship 2020 Azores

Theo Detienne Start of the Golden Trail Championship 2020 Azores

Stage 2 Golden Trail Championship 2020 Men start

Stage 2 Golden Trail Championship 2020 Men start

Stage 2 Golden Trail Championship 2020 women start

Stage 2 Golden Trail Championship 2020 women start

Golden Trail Championship 1st Stage sprint segment Tove Alexanderson winner

Stage 2 Golden Trail Championship 2020 Men start

Stage 2 Golden Trail Championship 2020 Men start

Stage 2 Golden Trail Championship 2020 women start

Jim Wamsley Last km Golden Trail Championship

Stage 4 victory for Jim Wamsley

Stage 2 Golden trail Championship 2020 sprint segment by Andreu Blanes

Stage 3 Golden Trail Championship sprint segment

Stage 3 Golden Trail Championship sprint segment

Bart Przedwojewski, Stian Angermund Elohusin Elazzoui

Stage 2 Golden Trail Championship 2020 women start

Stage 2 Golden trail Championship 2020 sprint segment by Theo Detienne

2nd position for Theo Detiene 4 seconds back to andreu blanes

Golden Trail Championship 1st Stage sprint segment Bartolomiej Przedwojewski Frederic Tranchand

Bartolomiej Przedwojewski , Frederic Tranchand (overall winner), Elhusine Elazzaoui

Stage 3 Golden Trail Championship sprint segment

Stage 2 Golden trail Championship 2020 sprint segment by Gisela Carrión winner of the sprint segment

Golden Trail Championship 1st Stage sprint segment Stian Angermund

Golden Trail Championship 1st Stage Uphill segment Remi Bonnet (winner) Jim Wamsley, Bartolomiej ... Bartolomiej Przedwojewsk, Thibaut Baroniant, Joey hardom also in the gropu

Stage 3 Golden Trail Championship sprint segment

Stage 3 Golden Trail Championship sprint segment 2nd place Andreu Blanes Winner of the sprint Segment, Theo Detienne 

Gisela Carrion Golden Trail Sereies sprint stage 3

Golden Trail Championship stage 4 sprint. Full course by Andreu Blanes vs Theo Detienne

Stage 3 Golden Trail Championship sprint segment

Stage 3 Golden Trail Championship sprint segment 2nd place Andreu Blanes Winner of the sprint Segment, Theo Detienne 

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